Projects that do not meet the subdivision design standards, building design and material standards or Technical Standards & Specifications must obtain a waiver from those standards to be approved as designed. Design adjustments will be identified through the Pre-TRC consultation process for site plan and preliminary plan review.
The following are not eligible for consideration as design adjustments:
Applicants will be notified of any design adjustments needed for their proposed site plan or preliminary plan through the Pre-TRC Consultation Process
Administrative adjustments can be considered for minor deviations from numeric or dimensional standards established in the City's Technical Standards and Specifications Manual. The deviation cannot exceed 10% or 10 feet, whichever is greater. Determination on whether to approve the requested deviation will be made by the City Engineer pursuant to Section 18-604 of the Land Development Code. Appeals of administrative determinations may be made through the Board of Adjustment.
All other design adjustments must be approved by the Design Adjustment Committee. Applications for design adjustments must be submitted at the time of application for a preliminary subdivision plan or formal site plan review.
As Design Adjustment Committee decisions are quasi-judicial in nature, the DAC holds evidentiary hearings on design adjustment requests. Evidentiary hearings differ from other public hearings in the following ways:
All applications must be submitted electronically by emailing the Development Review team.
All application components (e.g. application, design adjustment narrative, etc.) must be submitted individually and named accordingly.
Please contact the Development Review team to make arrangements for files that exceed email limits.
Professional seals (engineers, land surveyors, architects, etc) on digital plans must be redacted from digital copies submitted to the city for review. Please be sure to mark, strike through, or otherwise conceal any professional seal located on your digital (re)submittals (e.g., PDF).
Application fees(PDF, 107KB) must be paid in full prior to review of a design adjustment application.
*A mailed notice fee of $0.85/notice shall apply to all applications received on or after July 1, 2024. This fee will be determined during the review process and a separate invoice issued. The supplemental fee must be paid prior to a hearing on the application.
If you plan to pay in advance, planning staff must first notify the collections department to enable acceptance of payments.
Payment by Phone (910. 343.4745)
Payment in Person
Payment by MailPlease include invoice number or account number
929 North Front Street, 1st Floor Wilmington, NC 28401
Applications for the Design Adjustment Committee (DAC) are accepted on a monthly basis pursuant to the DAC schedule of meetings and submission deadlines.(PDF, 135KB)
Late Applications
Applications received after the established deadline will be included with the following month's review cycle submissions.