Transportation Planning

Efficient transportation systems are central to our productivity, health, and safety. Transportation Planning guides the investment in, and timing of, equitable improvements to these systems. It compares the performance of the existing system to projected future demands and offer solutions that consider their environmental, social, and economic impacts.

Properly managing growth is a balancing act between land use and transportation. The above Growth Strategies Maps from the city's Comprehensive Plan highlight the city's recommended strategies for Corridor and Transit development alongside strategic land use recommendations. These recommendations also support adopted community transportation plans.

The Transportation Planning team is staffed by the Wilmington Metropolitan Planning Organization (WMPO). The WMPO is the regional transportation planning agency that facilitates planning and prioritization of transportation projects throughout Wilmington and the lower Cape Fear region.

Corridor Plans

Corridor Plans guide the investment of convenient, safe, and accessible transportation choices for all. They consider demographics, development, and anticipated growth to determine the transportation needs for a specific area. They propose specific investments that are coordinated with land-use activities and capital improvements. Primary reasons for corridor planning include establishing a vision for the future, coordinating corridor improvements, guiding land owners and developers, responding to transit needs, and compliance with federal funding requirements.

Walking & Biking