Urban Forestry Master Plan



The City of Wilmington, in collaboration with the community and stakeholders, has developed its first Urban Forestry Master Plan.

The tree inventory and management plan are essential tools to help protect and enhance the city’s urban forest resources. The inventory provides pertinent empirical data needed by the city’s Urban Forestry Division, tasked with maintaining an estimated 40,000-plus city trees. An Urban Forestry Master Plan aids in strategizing and prioritizing tree maintenance, planting, and removal. The development of the plan enables the city to engage residents, educate the public about the city’s urban forest, and foster community ownership about protecting and enhancing the city’s urban forest assets.

The master plan is an integral component of Wilmington’s urban forestry program. The results of the plan help create a better understanding of the city’s urban forest composition, structure, and tree maintenance needs; plan for short-term and long-term resource allocation; develop risk management strategies; and enable the city to promote the economic, environmental and social benefits its trees provide to the community.

What is Wilmington’s Urban Forest?

It is all of the trees that surround us every day, including those along our streets, in city parks and natural areas, and those growing around our homes, workplaces, and businesses. An abundant and healthy urban forest has been proven to help mitigate the effects of climate change and improve our quality of life by:

  • Reducing summer temperatures by shading and cooling streets, buildings, and the surrounding environment
  • Improving air quality and the public health effects of air pollution
  • Positively impacting our mental and physical health
  • Providing homes, food and shelter for birds and other wildlife
  • Intercepting and absorbing stormwater and improving water quality of local lakes and streams
  • Beautifying the community and creating a sense of place
  • Protecting home and real estate values

Through community, stakeholder and city input the Urban Forestry Master Plan developed a vision and framework to care for, grow and enhance the benefits of Wilmington urban forest.

Urban Forestry Master Plan(PDF, 85MB)