The Technical Review Committee (TRC) works with local developers to ensure development plans and activities meet required development regulations and technical standards. For more information about the development review process, please visit the Development Review page.
The city's new online Development & Permitting Services platform (Protrak replacement) is LIVE!!!
Development & Permitting Services
All NEW Pre-TRC and Formal TRC applications will be submitted via the new online platform. The new platform allows users to submit applications, track the progress of existing applications, resubmit plans and documents, and pay invoices. If you have already completed a Pre-TRC review, please contact Plan Review staff (after you have registered on the new site) to initiate your Formal TRC submittal.
Plan Review: 910.254.0900 •
Cape Fear Public Utility Authority
Current Planning
Fire & Life Safety
Heal Our Waterways Program
Historic Preservation Planning
Housing and Neighborhood Services
North Carolina Department of Transportation
Public Works
Traffic Engineering
Transportation Planning
Urban Forestry
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Every Thursday
Via conference call
Patrick O'Mahony Planning Manager 910.341.3260 Email
Amy Bradshaw Planning Coordinator 910.341.3250 Email
Or Contact 910.254.0900 Email