Noise Ordinance

The City of Wilmington recently made revisions to the noise ordinance. After an extensive period of input and revisions, Council voted on and approved the changes to the existing ordinance on August 20. You can read the complete ordinance(PDF, 124KB) or view a summary slideshow(PDF, 694KB).

Under the new noise ordinance, permits are required for anyone requesting to exceed the set time or decibel limits of the ordinance. Individuals and businesses who know or should know that their activity is likely to exceed these limits must apply for a permit and submit it to the Wilmington Police Department for review. One permit may cover up to thirty (30) events or incidents in a one-year period.

Noise Permits

Section 6-34 of the Wilmington City Code provides that a noise permit shall be obtained in advance of any activity where the sound level to be produced will exceed or should be reasonably expected to exceed the sound level limits or time limits set out in Section 6-33 of the Wilmington City Code on any adjoining or neighboring property. Application for said permit shall be submitted to the Wilmington Police Department at the address above at least five (5) business days prior to the planned use. Permits may not grant exceptions for more than ten (10) dB above the maximum sound levels below on any adjoining or neighboring property, or for more than one (1) hour earlier or later than specified below, without approval from the City Manager.

Application for a Noise Permit(PDF, 79KB)

Noise Permit Denial Appeal Form

Pursuant to Section 6-34(f) of the Wilmington City Code, an Applicant for a noise permit that has been denied may appeal to the City Manager’s Office.

Noise Permit Denial Appeal Form(PDF, 114KB)

Noise Citation Appeal Form

You have a right to appeal your noise citation within ten (10) calendar days of the issue date on your citation. All appeals must be submitted in writing to the Chief of Police.

Noise Citation Appeal Form(PDF, 123KB)