Better Way To Give

The City of Wilmington and the United Way of the Cape Fear Area have partnered to establish the “Better Way to Give” initiative. As a comprehensive alternative to giving directly to individuals who solicit money in public places, this initiative provides an easy way to give to service providers that help these persons move from crisis to stability.

What is the "Better Way to Give" Initiative?

This initiative recognizes that many individuals who ask for money in public places, such as intersections and sidewalks, can face significant challenges like hunger and food insecurity, unemployment, substance abuse, and homelessness. These issues are complex and require smart, holistic solutions. Giving directly to individuals can provide temporary relief but does not address the root causes of their struggles. Giving instead to community organizations that provide structured support can help these individuals move toward a better future.

The greater Wilmington area has a number of highly reputable organizations that work every day to meet the needs of those in crisis in a holistic and comprehensive way, making a positive and long-lasting impact on the lives of individuals.

How You Can Donate

The United Way offers a simple and convenient way to donate through a dedicated public giving portal. Every dollar donated through the Better Way to Give initiative will go directly to human and social service organizations operating within the City of Wilmington. The United Way will manage the portal and distribute the funds. To donate, visit the United Way giving portal.

United Way giving portal