Information Technology

The mission of the Wilmington IT Department is multifold. Its primary objective is to provide strategic information technology leadership, resources, and access to internal and external customers within the city. In order to accomplish this goal, the IT Department focuses on the city’s overarching goals:

  1. To evaluate the needs of the public through improved citizen interaction
  2. Provide quality cost effective services to the community
  3. Improve public access to the city and its services


Business Systems – Business Systems staff work as “business liaisons” working with departments to gather mission-critical knowledge. The business systems group supports more than 60 Departmental and 6 Enterprise applications. Additionally, this division supports the city's website, including any applications to be used via the web through a hosted service.

Technology Systems and Client Services – Technology Systems build out the city's IT infrastructure to ensure that the city is able to function at optimal levels, meet potential interruptions in service with a minimum of down time, and plan for recovery operations if and when they are necessary. The Client Services group maintains all city hardware and operates the city’s Help Desk.

GIS – Geographic Information Services (GIS) develops and maintains online mapping applications, addressing standards(PDF, 2MB), and maintains hundreds of layers of geospatial information. View our GIS Strategic Plan(PDF, 20MB) (Large file, may load slow)

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