Dawson Wooster Streetscape

  • Project typeStreetscape Improvements
  • Project valueConstruction contract not yet awarded
  • Project scheduleTo begin late 2024 and wrap up in 2025



Enhancements along these streets (which serve as a primary entrance and exit to our city) include hardscaping, landscaping, and pedestrian amenities. Specific improvements include:

  • Filling in sidewalk gaps along both sides of Dawson Street between 4th street and 17th street.
  • Filling in sidewalk gaps along both sides of Wooster Street between 5th avenue and 15th street.
  • Pedestrian and ADA improvements at every intersection.
  • Reducing the travel lanes on Dawson and Wooster Streets from 4 to 3 to allow for street parking and bus stop improvements
  • Resurfacing of both streets between 3rd street and 17th street (funded by NCDOT)
  • Adding/improving signalized pedestrian crossings at the following intersections:
  • Dawson & 8th
  • Wooster & 8th
  • Wooster & 10th
  • Dawson & 13th
  • Wooster & 13th
  • Dawson & 16th
  • Dawson & 17th

Project benefits

  • Maximizes use of public dollars by complementing and expanding upon existing sidewalks
  • Provides healthy, safe option to get exercise and travel to nearby commercial areas and healthcare facilities such as the hospital and doctors’ offices
  • Provides walking/biking as another way for several neighborhoods and large apartment complexes to reach commercial areas, getting cars off congested roads
  • Addresses one of the top priorities identified from citizens in neighborhood meetings held around the city earlier this year as part of city’s effort to develop long-term plan for growth
  • Provide improvements that will make the city’s primary gateway on Dawson and Wooster streets more attractive