Pine Grove Bridge Replacement

Pine Grove Rendering-Preferred.png

The Pine Grove Drive bridge over Hewletts Creek has been identified as a high priority for replacement in the City's asset management program due to its condition. Future load restrictions are anticipated if the bridge is not replaced. The City has identified two potential options for replacement of the bridge as described below.

We are seeking input on these options from people that use the bridge through an electronic survey and a pop-up event on Wednesday, October 16 from 4 pm to 7 pm at the Wilmington Municipal Golf Course, 311 Donald Ross Drive. Please take a minute to share your thoughts on the proposed project.

Take the Survey

Preferred Design

Pine Grove Rendering-Preferred.png


As depicted in the above rendering, the preferred design alternative is a 650-foot bridge that spans both Hewletts Creek and the associated coastal wetlands. The bridge includes a multi-use path and can be widened in the future to accommodate additional lanes if Pine Grove Drive is widened.

Pine Grove Section-Preferred.png

Additional benefits of the design include:

  • Removal of the existing causeway and restoration of coastal wetlands, increasing natural flood carrying capacity of the creek
  • Increased navigability of Hewletts Creek for watercraft from the increased clearance under the higher bridge 
  • Increased resiliency by widening the channel and reducing the potential for scour along the bridge piers and abutments
  • Higher load capacity

A separate project has been added to the City's 5-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Programmed Unfunded list to construct a multi-use path along Pine Grove Drive, connecting the Greenville Loop Trail to the Masonboro Loop Trail. While funding has not currently been allocated for the trail project, inclusion in the CIP list of programmed projects provides opportunities for the City to seek grant funding to assist in construction of that project.

Trail Network.png

Cost Estimate

$12.85 million*

*The City is applying for a Bridge Investment Program Grant from the Federal Highway Administration. If approved, the City's cost could be as low as 20% of the project cost ($2.57 million), of which $2.39 million is already budgeted in the CIP.

If the City does not receive a grant to assist in construction of the bridge, the preferred design would not be feasible due to cost. The City would instead replace the bridge as described in Design Alternate 1.

Design Alternate 1

Pine Grove Alt 1.png


This alternative design would replace the existing bridge in-kind with an 80-foot bridge at the same height. Due to the narrow width of the connecting causeways, this alternative cannot accommodate a multi-use path or future expansion. If Pine Grove Drive is widened in the future, a new bridge spanning the creek and coastal wetlands would need to be constructed for the additional lanes.

Connectivity of the proposed Pine Grove Drive multi-use path would require construction of a separate multi-use path bridge. This project is not currently identified in the City's 5-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and would need to be added in the future.

Pine Grove Alt 2 MUP Bridge.png

Cost Estimate

  • $1.74 million (bridge replacement)
    The City currently has $2.39 million budgeted for this project in the 5-year CIP
  • $2.05 million (multi-use path bridge)
    This project is not included in the 5-year CIP and no funds have been allocated