Wilmington Tree Commission

The Wilmington Tree Commission promotes and endorses programs and policies to support our Urban Forest, increase public education, and establish awards and recognition programs as incentives to encourage a healthy and attractive natural environment for the City of Wilmington.


Members of the Wilmington Tree Commission are appointed by the Wilmington City Council to serve three (3) year terms. Members can expected to spend approximately three (3) hours monthly for the regularly scheduled meeting of this commission.

The twelve (12) member commission is comprised of:

  • Seven (7) voting City residents appointed by the City Council;
  • Two (2) voting at large members appointed by the City Council;
  • One (1) each assigned from Development Services and Public Services or Community Services Departments;
  • One (1) urban arborist preferably assigned from the Public Services Department or Community Services Department and if none, one (1) to be appointed by the Council members.

Current Members

Thomas Boland
Term Expiration: 06/18/2026

Bridget Callahan
Term Expiration: 06/18/2027

Catherine Cardamone
Term Expiration: 06/18/2026

Matthew Moore
Term Expiration: 06/18/2026

Alana Seaman
Term Expiration: 06/18/2026

Rhonda Waterhouse
Term Expiration: 06/18/2025

Terri Parham
Term Expiration: 6/18/2027

Jeanne Fisher
Term Expiration: 6/18/2025

Cathey Luna
Term Expiration: 6/18/2025


Haley Hopkins
Planning and Development
Term Expiration: N/A

Sally Thigpen
Community Services
Term Expiration: N/A

Aaron Reese
Forestry Management Supervisor
Term Expiration: N/A


2025 Meetings Schedule
Month Date Time
January 1/15 9:30 - 11:00 am
February 2/19 9:30 - 11:00 am
March 3/19 9:30 - 11:00 am
April 4/16 9:30 - 11:00 am
May 5/21 9:30 - 11:00 am
June 6/18 9:30 - 11:00 am
July N/A
August 8/20 9:30 - 11:00 am
September 9/17 9:30 - 11:00 am
October 10/15 9:30 - 11:00 am
November 11/19 9:30 - 11:00 am
December N/A  


Full meeting archives


2025 Meeting Agendas
  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July N/A
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December N/A

Full meeting archives


2025 Approved Meeting Minutes

2024 Approved Meeting Minutes

Full meeting archives

Plant Native Trees

The Wilmington Tree Commission encourages all to plant native, especially when it comes to trees. But why native tree species?  “Native tree species” refers to species of trees that occur naturally in each region and have evolved over a long period of time in association with the physical and biological environment of that region. The reason we are only including natives on these lists is due to the importance of the mutual relationships between natives and their biotic communities (the living environment). Plants co-evolve usually in a symbiotic relationship with other organisms and other trees. Exotic invasive trees (species from other countries that are so aggressive they out compete the native plants) can and often do overtake a native community. Thus, limiting many other organisms that depend on these native diminished plants. Exotic invasives have higher seed amounts and dispersal, holding on to leaves later in the fall than the natives, growing faster and overarching over a native community blocking out the sun, and hogging the water in the ground. All plants have value, but the wrong plant can change our local ecology.

Below find the 10 best native tree species for different goals. These lists are compiled by the Wilmington Tree Commission using Commissioner expertise and resources from NC State Extension Service and the Arbor Day Foundation.

10 Best Native Flowering Trees 10 Best Native Keystone Trees
10 Best Trees for Butterflies 9 Best Salt Tolerant Trees
10 Best Trees for Birds 10 Best Canopy Trees

Trees and the Land Development Code

The Land Development Code (LDC) is a document of rules and procedures for development projects that is used by the Planning and Development Department to evaluate projects proposed throughout the City. Within the LDC, there are regulations for tree removal, planting and retention with the intention of preserving the current tree canopy. The "Tree Preservation" subsection of the code can be found in the "Site Development Requirements" section or at the link below.

Tree Preservation in the LDC

Heritage Tree Program

What is the Heritage Tree Program?

The Heritage Tree Program is dedicated to the identification and preservation of heritage trees within the City of Wilmington, North Carolina.

Heritage trees are those, which because of their age, rarity, grouping, overall beauty or historical significance represent an important aspect of the City’s history or natural landscape.

Objectives of the Program
  • Identify and catalog “Heritage” trees within the City of Wilmington. 
  • To increase public awareness and appreciation of the value of Heritage and other trees that may add to the beauty and ecology of the City’s natural and urban landscape.
Heritage Tree Selection

The City’s Urban Arborist and members of the Wilmington Tree Commission are responsible for setting specific criteria for designation, receiving nominations, maintaining the program’s database and providing appropriate recognition to heritage tree owners. Nominations and selections are reported at regular monthly meetings of the Tree Commission.

Heritage Tree Categories and Criteria

To be considered for Heritage status, a nomination for the tree must be submitted to the Tree Commission with approval of the owner. Trees can be nominated as an individual or a collection. Final selection is determined by the Heritage Trees Committee based on specific criteria as well as recommendations of professional arborists or foresters. Heritage Tree status is granted if the tree meets any or all of the following criteria:

Specimen: A tree of exceptional size, form, or rarity. 

  • Size:
    • A nominated tree that has a point total that meets or exceeds 75% of the current NC Champion tree’s point total. Point totals are determined by this equation:
      [vertical height + trunk circumference (4.5 ft. above ground) +avg. crown spread = point total]
    • Any tree with a trunk diameter measured at breast height (dbh) of at least 36 inches.
  • Form or rarity:
    • The tree is an outstanding specimen of exemplary form for the species;
    • The tree is one of the largest or oldest trees in Wilmington as compared to others of its species;
    • The tree is of distinctive form an unusual species for the area, or is otherwise unique;
    • Any tree or grove of trees that have horticultural significance, including but not limited to those which are:

Historic: A tree recognized by virtue of its association with or contribution to a historic structure or district, or its association with a noted person or historic event.

  • The tree has a documented association with an historical event important to the City or region;
  • Any tree or grove of trees which have historical significance, including but not limited to those which were/are:
    • Planted as a commemorative;
    • Planted during a particularly significant historical era or event; or
    • Marking the spot of a historical event.
  • The tree was standing at the home of a person who played a role in Wilmington’s history as a leader, writer or other significant contributor; or
  • The tree is illustrated in historical sketches, journals, photographs, or writings, related to a historic event.


  • At landmarks of the City, a neighborhood, or community;
  • Trees that mark a special site location


  • Trees in a notable or significant grove, avenue, or other planting.
  • Trees that provide a valuable habitat
Heritage Tree Applications are open! The deadline is December 2024

You can fill out an application for your tree to be considered here.

Heritage Tree Program applicants whose trees met the measurement or historical criteria from 2020-2023 will be awarded and recognized at a City Council meeting in March.


Aaron Reese, City Arborist
1702 Burnett Blvd
Wilmington, NC  28401