Heal Our Waterways Program Receives "Stewardship Champion" Award

Published on May 24, 2022

Person stands in front of presentation screen holding an award.

The Heal Our Waterways (HOW) Program recently received the “Stewardship Champion” award from the Lower Cape Fear Stewardship Development Coalition at the 2022 Stewardship Awards Luncheon. The Coalition recognized the city-led program for its community-wide efforts to implement the Bradley & Hewletts Creeks Watershed Restoration Plan. The “Stewardship Champion” award is given to individuals or programs that have “exemplified extraordinary commitment and vision to environmental practices, programs, issues, development or design”.

The HOW Program encourages residents and businesses to implement stormwater solutions on their properties to reduce the amount of pollution entering Bradley Creek and Hewletts Creek. The HOW Program has also installed numerous stormwater solutions on City-owned properties and participated in several federally funded grant projects to help protect both creeks.

The City’s Watershed Coordinator accepted the award and, on behalf of the HOW Program, wishes to extend the award to everyone that has supported the goals of the Bradley and Hewletts Creeks Watershed Restoration Plan.

Learn more about the Lower Cape Fear Stewardship Development Coalition: http://www.stewardshipdev.org/ 


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