Regulations & NPDES

Chapter 12 (Utilities)(PDF, 7MB) of the city code outlines requirements for pet waste, yard debris, and the illegal discharge of pollution into the storm drainage system and our waterways. The Stormwater Code Compliance Officer enforces these regulations; reports can be made to the Report Stormwater Pollution Hotline or Online.

Pet Waste Ordinance

Yard Waste/Debris Ordinance

Illicit Discharge Ordinance

Land Development Ordinance

Chapter 18 (Land Development) details regulations for managing stormwater for new development and re-development within the city. The land development code is enforced by the Planning and Engineering divisions. Information on city design standards, post-construction requirements, checklists and other materials can be found at the following links:

NPDES Stormwater Permit

The City of Wilmington is required to hold and implement the provisions of a federal National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II Stormwater permit. The aim of the NPDES permit program is to protect and restore water quality, safeguard drinking water sources and human health, protect aquatic habitat, and encourage pollution prevention within the community. The six required elements of the city's permit are:

  1. Public Education
  2. Public Involvement
  3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
  4. Construction Site Runoff Controls (1-5 acres)
  5. Post-Construction Site Runoff Controls
  6. Good Housekeeping/Pollution Prevention of Municipal Facilities

The City submits an annual report of NPDES permit activities to the NC Division of Environmental Quality annually.
The City's NPDES permit is renewed every 5 years in conjunction with a state audit of the city's Stormwater Management Plan and NPDES permit deliverables. The next audit will be conducted in 2023.