Community Surveys

2023 Community Survey

The biennial Citizen Survey is the most accurate way for the City of Wilmington to hear from a large number of residents across the city and all demographics about what is important to them and how they want their tax dollars spent.  Conducted by ETC Institute since 2007, the survey is a key indicator of public satisfaction with city services. Almost 700 Wilmington residents completed the survey in the fall of 2023, with enough data to create scientifically valid results across age, race, gender, income and geography.

Results from 2023 were compared with prior years to see how well the City government is doing and to help set focus areas and develop funding priorities. Results were also compared to other southeastern US cities, as well as national survey results.


  • Level of residents’ overall satisfaction with city services is generally positive overall and higher than the regional and national averages.
  • Community residents are generally confident in their city government and think the city is a good place to live.
  • Top community concerns and priorities: growth planning, traffic flow management on city streets, affordable housing, homelessness, and city efforts to prevent crimes.
  • Services areas with the HIGHEST levels of satisfaction:
    • Fire
    • Trash, Recycling and Yard Waste
    • Police
    • Parks & Recreation facilities and programs

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