Take Action

Open water in a creek.

Thank you for supporting Bradley Creek and Hewletts Creek!

Please fill out the form below to apply for funding, receive more information, or report a stormwater solution that you installed. Click here to jump to the form.

Heal Our Waterways is currently offering two funding opportunities to install stormwater solutions within the Bradley Creek and Hewletts Creek Watersheds. Please review both options below and add into the "notes" which program you are interested in if you are seeking funding.

Properties must confirm that the address is located in the Bradley, Hewletts, or "Drains to ICW2 or ICW3" watersheds to be eligible for funding. You can check the address by using our online watershed map.

For descriptions of stormwater solutions, visit our Stormwater Solutions page.

Funding Programs

For Individual Properties

In partnership with New Hanover Soil and Water Conservation District, the HOWBMP program offers full funding and installation of stormwater solutions on properties located within the Bradley Creek and Hewletts Creek Watersheds.

What can I have installed? 

This program installs rain gardens, wetlands, cisterns, and trees.

*Permeable pavement is not available through this funding program.

Who can apply? 

Single-family residences, business owners, and HOA groups are welcome to apply. 

Take a look at how the process works in the video below!  

For Developments and HOAs

The HOW Program offers a cost-share program for the installation of large-scale stormwater solutions in the Bradley and Hewletts Creeks Watersheds. Each project can receive up to $10,000 in rebates! 

Who can apply? 

Commercial, mixed use, and high-density properties and HOA common areas located within the Bradley Creek, Hewletts Creek, or connected Drains to ICW Watersheds are eligible.

*Single-family residences are not eligible for the cost-share program. 

What can be installed?

Large-scale stormwater solutions, such as constructed wetlands, bioretention areas, infiltration basins, permeable pavement, and rainwater harvesting.

For more details and eligible project types, please see the HOW Cost-Share Brochure(PDF, 11MB).

Already Installed a Stormwater Solution?

If you are reporting a rerouted downspout, rain barrel, rain garden, tree planting, or other stormwater solution that you have installed, please select, "I would like to share a stormwater solution I've installed."

Fill out our Take Action form below!

Click here to view form.