Archived Budgets

FY 23-24

Wilmington City Council adopted a $351 million budget for fiscal year 2024. The city did not increase its tax rate.

Quarterly Reports
Tax rate

FY24 Property tax rate is $0.3950 per $100 assessed valuation.

FY 22-23

Wilmington City Council adopted a $251.1 million budget for fiscal year 2023, which took effect on July 1. The city increased its tax rate by ~1.42 cents.

Tax rate

FY23 Property tax rate is $0.3950 per $100 assessed valuation.

FY 21-22

Wilmington City Council adopted a $242.2 million budget for fiscal year 2022, which took effect on July 1. The city reduced its tax rate by ~12 cents.

Tax rate

FY22 Property tax rate is $0.3808 per $100 assessed valuation

FY 19-20

The FY20 Recommended Budget was presented at the May 7, 2019, Wilmington City Council meeting and adopted at the June 18 City Council Meeting. 

Tax rate

FY20 Property tax rate is $0.4984 per $100 of assessed valuation

FY 18-19

The FY19 Recommended Budget was presented at the May 1, 2018, Wilmington City Council meeting, and was adopted at the June 19, 2018, City Council Meeting.

Tax rate

FY19 Property tax rate is $0.4984 per $100 of assessed valuation

FY 17-18

The FY18 Recommended budget was presented at the May 2, 2017, and was adopted at the June 20, 2017 City Council meeting


Highlights of the FY18 Adopted Budget

Total budget: $217.4 million

  • Includes General Fund, Debt Service Fund, Capital Projects Fund, Program Funds and all fee-based enterprise funds

General Fund: $110.7 million

  • No property tax rate adjustment for general fund operations
  • Provided a 3% compensation increase for our workforce
  • Incorporated a health insurance increase of $1M city-wide
  • Continued core services with limited additions
  • Funded areas in the strategic plan
  • Strong savings (unassigned fund balance) for emergencies of $27M or 24.62% of operating
  • Additional funding for the Safe Community/Youth Violence reduction focus
  • Additional funding for Infrastructure Maintenance including continuing the 1st CIP and Transportation Bond and beginning the 2nd CIP and voter-approved Parks Bond projects
  • Additional Internal support funding
  • Continued funding for affordable housing, including home ownership and home repair programs 
Distinguished Budget Presentation Award

The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) presented an award of Distinguished Budget Presentation to the City of Wilmington for its annual budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2016.

In order to receive this award a governmental unit must publish a budget document that meets program criteria as a policy document, as an operations guide, as a financial plan and as a communication device.

This award is valid for a period of one year only.  The City has been presented with this award for more than twenty (20) years.  We believe that our current budget continues to conform to program requirements and we will submit it to the GFOA to determine its eligibility for another award.

Archived Budgets

Archived budget information may be obtained by contacting the Budget Office at 910.341.7827.

Tax Information
  • FY17 Property tax rate is $0.485 per $100 of assessed valuation
  • FY18 Recommended total city budget is $217.4M
  • The revenue neutral tax rate , taking into account the growth factor of 1.74%, brings the tax rate to $0.4542 per $100 of assessed valuation. Anything above this rate is considered a tax change above FY17’s adopted tax rate.
  • FY18 Recommended tax adjustment $0.0292 cents results in a recommended $0.4834 per $100 of assessed valuation. The adjustment recommendation is based on the following:
    • 2nd CIP (80/20 plan)
    • Water St. Collaboration
    • 2016 Parks Bond
 Budget and Research Office
  • Ensure sensible control over city expenditures
  • Participate in city's overall financial management
  • Provide city officials with prompt and accurate budgetary services


FY 16-17

The Wilmington City Council adopted the 2016-17 fiscal year budget at their meeting on Tuesday, June 21, 2016.

According to state law, city governments cannot have deficits – they must have a balanced budget in place by July 1 of each year for the fiscal year that runs from July 1 through June 30.

Adopted Budget


Total budget: $169 million

  • Includes General Fund and all fee-based enterprise funds


General Fund: $104.9 million

  • No property tax increase
  • Core services maintained
  • Strong savings (fund balance) for emergencies of more than $31 million
  • Continued funding for 5-year infrastructure improvement plan and Transportation Bond projects
  • Funding for three (3) additional police officers, and two (2) civilian personnel shifted to active officers
  • Staffing the WPD Real Crime Center with analysts, the addition of a Crime Prevention Specialist and Crime Scene Technician
  • Expanded funding for programs for at-risk youth
  • Additional funding for Code Enforcement and associated clean-up efforts in targeted areas
  • Additional funding for affordable housing, including home ownership and home repair programs as part of effort to expand stock of affordable housing and maintain existing affordable housing