Historic Preservation Commission

The next regular meeting of the City of Wilmington Historic Preservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, July 11, 2024, at 5:30 P.M. in City Council Chambers, Thalian Hall, 102 North 3rd Street, 2nd floor, Wilmington.

The meeting will be streaming live on GTV8.

Upcoming Hearings

Evidentiary hearings scheduled for July 11, 2024:
416 N 5th Avenue (MJW-35-2406)

Installation of a Driveway

Application(PDF, 4MB)   |  Map(PDF, 2MB)   |  Case Summary(PDF, 4MB)

216 S 3rd Street (MJW-32-2406)

After-The-Fact Installation of a Driveway

Application(PDF, 5MB)  |  Map(PDF, 2MB)   |  Case Summary(PDF, 3MB)

111 N 7th Street (MJW-33-2406)

New Residential In-Fill Construction

Application(PDF, 2MB)  |  Map(PDF, 2MB)   |  Case Summary(PDF, 949KB)

Pending Applications


The Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) is a seven-member board appointed by City Council to "promote, enhance and preserve the character of the Wilmington historic districts." The HPC hears and decides requests for certificates of appropriateness in accordance with the Wilmington Design Standards for Historic Districts and Landmarks.

Design review is required for exterior alterations to properties located within the city's local historic districts and historic overlays to ensure compatibility with the historic character of the district. The design standards do not impose a particular architectural style, but encourage compatible design and congruity whether traditional or contemporary.

A certificate of appropriateness (COA) is required for exterior changes to a property. Approval is based on the Wilmington Design Standards for Historic Districts and Landmarks. Major work requires review and approval by the HPC pursuant to Section 18-597 of the Land Development Code.

Appeals of commission decisions are to the Board of Adjustment. Appeals must be filed within 30 days from the written decision of the HPC action.


Members can expect to commit approximately eight (8) hours per month for regularly scheduled HPC meetings, including time for preparation and/or research.

The seven (7)-member commission is comprised as follows:

  • At least two (2) Historic District residents (HD/HDR or HD-MU)
  • At least one (1) Historic District Overlay (HD-O)
  • One (1) member may be a building owner or proprietor in HD-O
  • Three (3) At Large members

Current Members

Joan Keston
At Large
Term Expiration: 05/08/2024

Chris Yermal
At Large
Term Expiration: 01/18/2028

Ross Tomaselli
At Large
Term Expiration: 07/01/2026

Ashley Wilson
Overlay District, HD-O
Term Expiration: 05/08/2027

Stephen Sulkey
Resident Overlay, HD-R
Term Expiration: 05/08/2027

Kathleen Egan
Historic Separate Use, HD-R
Term Expiration: 06/21/2027

Alison Watts
Historic Separate Use, HD-R
Term Expiration: 07/01/2026